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Home » Taking Health to Heart: Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Taking Health to Heart: Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

stethoscope with heart shaped object inside it

More than 17.9 million people die globally from cardiovascular disease each year. Cardiovascular disease develops gradually over time as plaque builds up in the arteries and blood vessels. According to the World Health Organization, one third of cardiovascular disease deaths occur from a stroke or heart attack.

Although cardiovascular disease can develop due to hereditary factors and biological factors, such as advanced age and race, many causes of cardiovascular disease originate from poor lifestyle habits.

Controllable risk factors for heart disease include:

· Diabetes

· High blood cholesterol and blood pressure

· Lack of medication compliance for chronic disorders and diseases

· Obesity and poor eating habits

· Physical inactivity

· Salt intake

· Sleep apnea

· Smoking and second-hand tobacco exposure

· Stress

Eating nutritious meals, doing aerobic exercises regularly, annually visiting a primary care physician and stopping smoking can greatly help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Knowing your degree of risk for developing heart-related health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, can help save your life. BSA offers a $99 calcium artery scoring test, which detects calcium buildup in the arteries. This test can alert you of your risk before a heart-related health issue occurs. For more information, visit our Cardiology page.