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Home » Oh Christmas Tie, Oh Christmas Tie: BSA Employee Continues Festive Tradition

Oh Christmas Tie, Oh Christmas Tie: BSA Employee Continues Festive Tradition

man by christmas tree

The Christmas spirit is in full swing at BSA. That’s especially true for the Pharmacy Department, thanks to a special tradition brought forth by BSA Pharmacy Director, Luke Barnett.

For the past nine years, he has been wearing a different Christmas tie to work each December for every day leading up to Christmas.

“My father-in-law is a retired elementary school principal and he had a bunch of Christmas ties,” said Barnett. “When he retired, he told me he would never wear a tie again, so I asked if I could have his Christmas ties to wear to work.”

“The first year, I wore them as a way to have fun during the Christmas season,” Barnett shared.

The reactions from friends, coworkers and patients to his Christmas ties were so great, Barnett has been wearing them every year since.

“People enjoy seeing funny stuff at work and I like to see people smile,” Barnett said. “I am always surprised by how much people enjoy seeing goofy ties in a professional environment.”

Barnett says his favorite is a Grinch-themed tie with both a happy and mean Grinch face. Outside of the office, Barnett also posts daily photos of his Christmas ties on his Facebook newsfeed.

“I take a picture of my tie each morning in December and post it on my Facebook,” Barnett explained. “I see people comment on my ties on a yearly basis and it is fun to see their reaction.”

Will Barnett continue the tradition in the years to come? Absolutely.

“Yes, I plan on doing this every year until retirement,” Barnett said. “It is too much fun to see people’s reactions in person and on Facebook!”