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Home » Amarillo Mother Experiences Two Unique Deliveries at BSA

Amarillo Mother Experiences Two Unique Deliveries at BSA


Following her Cesarean delivery (C-section) with her firstborn in 2013, Aly Hall was certain of one thing— she would deliver at BSA again if she had the opportunity.

“After our firstborn, I knew if I had another baby we would deliver at BSA. Our doctor and team of nurses were incredible,” Hall explained.

When it came time to deliver, the new mom-to-be felt at ease knowing she was in the care of an attentive staff.

“It was extremely comforting,” Hall shared. “There was such good communication. All of the staff members were aware of everything going on and did such a good job taking care of me, especially after birth.”

After giving birth to her son, Wyatt, Hall was given opioid pain medications to help her manage her pain from the incisions of the C-section. Hall says that her medical team made her feel comforted, especially since she was a first-time mom.

“After Wyatt was born, I was pretty groggy,” Hall shared. “I was aware of what was going on, but it was kind of scary being a first-time mom. I felt comforted knowing that both Wyatt and I were in good hands. My husband felt the same way.”

Fast forward to 2018, Hall was pleasantly surprised to find out she was pregnant again.

“That was a blessing,” Hall shared. “We were elated after the initial shock.”

During her pregnancy with her daughter, Annie, Hall learned about BSA’s opioid-free C-sections. Opioid-free C-Sections allow mothers to experience fewer side effects, be more alert and recover more quickly than traditional C-Sections.

“My doctor told me he had many great reviews from other women who had opioid-free C-sections and thoroughly explained the entire process to me. Right before you are closed up completely, they inject time-release capsules inside of the body right above the uterus, essentially Tylenol to help control your pain after birth.”

And it worked, according to Hall.

“It is night and day compared to my previous birth,” Hall explained. “I was not foggy and didn’t have that ‘medicine haze’ most women feel. I was completely aware of everything going on.”

Hall experienced less pain in recovery following her opioid-free C-section compared to her first birth.

“When I was in the recovery room, I felt great,” Hall shared. “Going opioid-free, I actually had less pain. It didn’t hurt as bad and I was up walking quicker than before.”

Hall gives her highest recommendation to BSA’s Labor and Delivery department.

“It was such a wonderful experience delivering twice at BSA,” Hall said. “Every experience at BSA has exceeded my expectations.”

BSA is the first hospital in Amarillo to perform opioid-free C-Sections. For more information on BSA’s opioid-free C-sections, please call 806-212-2229.

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