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Home » “Life after cancer is more than just surviving.”

“Life after cancer is more than just surviving.”

"Survivor" banner with blue background

“You have cancer” is a phrase you never forget hearing for the first time. Imagine hearing it three times. Susan Spurlock-Rawlins did and wants others who hear those same words to not only have hope, but also the resources they need. Now a three-time cancer survivor, Susan is helping to honor all cancer survivors through her advocacy as the state lead for the Cancer Action Network with the American Cancer Society. She is also a notable speaker throughout the country presenting her story, “Surviving Cancer with a Smile” and the staff of the Harrington Cancer Center is honored to welcome her to Amarillo on Friday, July 24 in recognition of National Cancer Survivors Day.

“Life after cancer is more than just surviving. It can be beautiful, abundant, and fulfilling and that’s something to celebrate,” says John J. Montville, Director of Harrington Cancer Center.  National Cancer Survivors Day is a national celebration to honor cancer survivors and to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be fruitful, rewarding, and even inspiring. This year’s event will include dinner, fun activities, and Susan’s presentation highlighting cancer research and her personal stories of three separate cancer experiences. “We are more than excited to celebrate survivorship, see some friends, and have some fun.”

Anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life – is a cancer survivor, according to the National Cancer Survivors Day® Foundation.  In the United States alone, there are more than 14 million people living with a history of cancer.Major advances in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment have resulted in longer survival, and therefore, a growing number of cancer survivors.

“We are planning for a celebration filled with joy, hope, camaraderie, and compassion as we acknowledge our community’s cancer survivors,” adds Montville. “We will also recognize the contributions of their families, friends and healthcare providers and hope to raise awareness of the ongoing challenges faced by cancer survivors today.”

The Cancer Survivors Celebration, hosted by the Harrington Cancer Center, the community cancer center of the Panhandle region, will be held on Friday, July 24 from 6-8PM at Amarillo Botanical Gardens, 1400 Streit Drive, Amarillo.  This event is open to cancer survivors with one guest and requires attendees to RVSP to 806-212-1966 by July 17.  This event is funded by the Harrington Cancer and Health Foundation.

For more information please contact John J. Montville, Director, Harrington Cancer Center, 806-212-1937.